
FerretDB - MongoDB alternative

FerretDB is a document-oriented database that provides a MongoDB-compatible API. It is built on top of PostgreSQL and offers a truly open-source alternative to MongoDB.

Installing FerretDB

To get started with FerretDB:

  1. Navigate to the Datastores section in the control server.
  2. Click Manage Batteries.
  3. Find the FerretDB battery and click Install.

FerretDB also depends on the Postgres battery, which is installed automatically when first starting the control server.

Creating a FerretDB instance

To create a new FerretDB instance:

  1. Go to the Datastores tab.
  2. Ensure that there is a Postgres instance running.
  3. Click New FerretDB in the FerretDB section.
  4. Fill out the form with the desired settings, choosing the Postgres instance to use, along with memory and CPU limits.
  5. Click Save FerretDB to finalize creation.

Accessing FerretDB

After creating a FerretDB instance, there will be a service created in the battery-data namespace with the name of the FerretDB instance.

For example, from within a Jupyter notebook we can easily connect to the instance:

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Using the IP shown in the FerretDB service
client = MongoClient('mongodb://')

Additional Resources