
Resource Hashing

Kubernetes resources are challenging to compare versus the resources that created them. For example, some resources get status fields that are constantly changing, while others will get managed fields added to their metadata. So resources might not be equal when compared directly, but they still are functionally equivalent. However, we need a fast way to tell if a resource is functionally the same as a proposed new resource (Very useful when syncing changes to Kubernetes).

This is where platform_umbrella/apps/common_core/lib/common_core/hashing.ex shines. It ties together all the code needed to derive object equivalency on Kubernetes resources stored using annotations.

Adding the Hash

  • Sanitize the resource, removing any fields that are machine-generated or contain mutable state.
  • Then perform an in-order recursive traversal of the resource.
  • Along the way, update a Sha3 -256 MAC treating everything as a stream of data to convert to string and pass to mac update.
  • Finalize the mac
  • place the computed hash in battery/hash annotation

Comparing Resources

  • For each resource, check if there’s an annotation. If both are present, then string-compare the hashes.
  • If the annotations are missing, follow the above algorithm to get the hash. Compare the two computed hashes.